Motivation Mindset (Sleep Programming)

About the Download

Did you know that Anthony Robbins, a popular life coach used to play back self help affirmation tapes in his sleep to condition his mind for success? This is a technique we have been experimenting with recently, most notably with our ‘Sleep Programming’ series.

This next instalment aims to programme your mind AS YOU SLEEP so that you can get motivated to study, work out, complete ambitious projects, achieve your life goals, push for that job promotion etc. A change in life circumstances often begins with a change in attitude. Let this audio kick-start your journey! Before we begin though, take a few moments to list out some short, mid and long term goals. Imagine yourself achieving these as you drift off to sleep!


Isochronic white noise is included in addition to binaural beats so you can use your speakers if you wish. Loop the audio throughout the night as you sleep using your media player’s loop function and aim to fall asleep within the first hour.

The affirmations begin fading in at the hour mark, reaching max volume at around 65 minutes. Before commencing your session, it is recommended that you skip to that point and set the volume accordingly. Obviously low volumes are ideal so you’re not startled awake!

As with any audio of this kind, consistent use breeds the best results; 30 days or more is recommended.


You are a highly motivated person

You are motivated at all times

You are always motivated and always get things done on time

You are a naturally motivated individual and motivation comes naturally to you

You are naturally motivated and energized at the beginning of every day

You are highly motivated, ambitious and driven

You find it easy to motivate yourself and get yourself in the right state of mind

You are always looked up to as someone with high energy, drive, and motivation

You stay motivated throughout a project no matter what

You are always motivated and your positive energy motivates and lifts those around you

Your life is full of purpose and motivation.

You are easily motivated

You have unlimited creativity, drive and motivation

You feel alive, energized and motivated to take on any task in front of you

Your are always moving towards your goals

You are energized and empowered to move towards your goals

You are motivated at all times

You are self-motivated and know exactly what you want to achieve